Nov 13, 2013

freak out

Holey guacamole, I am 21. What. When. Why. How. Where did all the time go? I feel like I was in high-school the other day, and now I'm 21? WOAH.

Post-21st celebrations have left me feeling a number of things. Nostalgic, yet grown-up, but also a little dis-organised and weird. The other day I was thinking about when I was a child. You know, the times when you used to try to predict what the future would hold? I actually laughed out loud at my child-self and her thoughts. Apparently age 25 (which is clearly so old), is in-fact the age to have children of your own, a loving long-term relationship, live in some big house with your own cord-less home phone, and of course be working in your dream job (I honestly believed I would be on Getaway). As a child, you are so freakin' positive about the future, and everything surrounding you. You can't wait to grow up, have responsibility and ultimately - be an adult. Then, one day, it's your 21st birthday and you're just like 'what the fuck'. 

So, with all these things playing on my mind, I did the logical thing and re-organised/completely cleaned out my room. Yep, I know - so logical.

If you haven't done this in a while, I strongly recommend it. Yeah, getting started might be tough but once you're there, there is no turning back. Whilst surrounded by clothing, shoes and a ridiculous amount of mundane objects on my bedroom floor, I found some clarity. Kind of like that moment in Can't Buy me Love when a young Dempsey realises he is super in love with the first-thought-superficial-bitch-cheerleader-that-is-actually-really-nice. Okay, maybe not - but close. I realised that there have been, and will continue to be so many crazy, strange and pretty awesome moments in my life and 21 is just the beginning. I can't wait to see what my future holds!

So on that note, here are some fan-fucking-tastic happy snaps from my 21st flower party for your perusing. 

Nov 12, 2013

Behind the scenes for Greta Kate

Melbourne Cup, Australia's no.1 horse race ...and festival of high end fashion.

Okay, let's just cut to the chase, most ladies don't head to the Melbourne Cup to watch a horse race - they go to flaunt their fashion, fascinators and have some drunk fun in the sun. They may put some money on their favourite horse (not because it is actually good, but because it has a cute name), but it is certain that they will be admiring (or judging) every other women's outfit at the cup. 

So this year's race-day saw the opportunity for me to work behind the scenes at the Melbourne Cup parade during Variety's Melbourne Cup event at the Hilton Hotel. The Parade was put on by Greta Kate, an Adelaide based designer who found her collection inspiration whilst traveling around Europe with her beau, sourcing fabrics and having an all round amazing time. Her high-end fashion pieces come together to make up a collection which embodies elegance, and sophistication - with a little bit of bling. I absolutely loved the contrast between the block coloured, flowing, silk tops with embellished straps that were paired with sequin leggings, in comparison to the floral skirts and tops brought to life with bright fascinators. As an individual who usually shuns anything with sequins or sparkle, Greta's sequined leggings made me a little weak at the knees. I was surprised myself how much I loved them, they were amazing!

The day began at 10.30am, to get acquainted with the models, other dressers and people who made the show run smoothly, and of course - meet Greta (she is so lovely). 
11am: Rehearsals, and complete run through of the show
12 - 1.30pm: Lunch break. 
1.30-2pm: Fashion show

The girls I had the pleasure to meet and work with during the day were all wonderful, and predominantly fashion students at tafe. It was nice to meet some super-cool people all interested in the same sorta stuff, and it was even better to see how fast and crazy everything is backstage. One minute, the models are poised, proper and delicately strutting their stuff on the runway, and the next - running down the hall in heels like a crazy person whilst stripping and getting ready for the worlds fastest clothing change. Manic!

 Sourced: Greta Kate

Oct 26, 2013

Adelaide Fashion Festival: NORWOOD PLACE PARADES

Sunday, October 20 - I was lucky enough to attend the Adelaide Fashion Festival for XXIV Magazine. It was a pretty exciting event, with the opportunity to witness fantastic fashion, chat to festival organisers, designers, and behind the scenes personnel.

The day began with the 'emerging designer pressure test' before ten budding designers were given two hours, some material and thread, to design and make a creative masterpiece of their choosing. One of my talented gal pals Elise Musolino was competing in the competition, and created a masterpiece of a garment!

After walking around the festival for a little bit to get my bearings, it was time to head over to the runway. A faux grass runway lined with birdcages was a pretty perfect setting for the day, as the sun was shining and there were some serious happy vibes all round. There were two runway shows, the first showcasing high street fashion, and the second presenting street-wear and boutique fashion. Lucy Bayet (the face of AFF) closed each show, first with sponsor variety, and second with a trail of models behind her on the runway.

(I think it's obvious I liked snapping this model...)

Following the runway shows, the pressure test winner was announced. Cooper Davis, third year TAFE student - took out the award, with his "modern-day Marie Antionette, beach inspired look". Petar, a first year TAFE fashion student was my personal fave - with his blocked black and white, flared sleeves, and floral mini.

The rest of the day consisted of chatting to stall holders, snapping street style and some good ol' fun in the sun with my friend Lucy. It was a b-e-a-utiful day so it was nice to have some time to peruse the marketplace whilst soaking up the vitamin D. One of the lovely ladies I met was Siham - assistant designer at Cameo. The Adelaide based brand has taken some serious strides in the last few months (I'm sure you've caught Cameo fever), so it was great to talk to her and see what's been happening. She said she was "enjoying the festival as a bit of a break from her usual designing, collaborating and fabricating" and as an Adelaide based designer, is loving the brand recognition (not only in Australia - but internationally!). She laughed about Jessica Alba wearing a Cameo blazer the other day, yes you read that correctly - Jessica Alba... before saying "I was like, what! Jessica Alba! I watch her in movies!"...It was pretty refreshing to see that the designer fame hasn't got to her (like anyone you see on Australia's Next Top Model *cough Alex Perry cough*), and remains to be one down to earth lady.

Before the day ended at Argo for some antioxidant fruit juice goodness, Lucy was asked to be in the 'best dressed of the festival' competition (she is one hip' n happenin' bid). She didn't win, but got a nice little prize - YOU GO GURL!

Sep 13, 2013

NZFW wrap up

Over the past few years, New York fashion week and New Zealand fashion week have had a clashing timetable. Yep, that’s right, New Zealand are taking on the big apple, and their big fashion.
Although NYFW and NZFW are so similar on a search engine that one miss-typed letter could result in equivocal Google search results suggesting a much smaller, sheepish version of New York’s fashion week, NZFW had no reservations in holding their annual fashion forward event at the same time as NY, inviting international fashion heads and bloggers alike.
Some of the NZ designers presented over the week-long event included Anne Geddes enthusiastAnnah Stretton, grunge and punk inspired Stolen Girlfriend’s Club, young-and-upcoming Lela Jacobs, tartan on tartan Trelise Cooper (no seriously, so much tartan it gave Vivienne Westwood a run for her money), young, edgy hipster influenced label UNDERGROUND, and the casual vs. dressy collection bySalasai.
Each designer displayed their own style and influences through juxtaposition between materials, textures, makeup and a lot of over exaggerated hairstyles and hair pieces. If you watch Annah Stretton’s runway show you will know exactly what sort of over exaggerated head gear i’m talking about.
Overall the event encapsulated a theme of folk come punk vibe, with NZFW goers sporting some serious leather, tartan and strangely paired paisley dresses, collared shirts and of course, perfectly knitted woolen jumpers (slightly expected, New Zealanders).
Always, Sometimes, Anytime (one of my favourite, newly discovered fashion and culture online magazines) supplied some seriously great coverage in the form of polaroid greatness.